Programas de emprendimiento del Fosis. Si eres mayor de 18 años y perteneces a la población más vulnerable, según el Registro Social de Hogares, postula a uno de los más de 30 mil cupos para los programas de emprendimiento del FOSIS.Seguir leyendo

Carrying forward the UN Food Systems Summit (UNFSS) Webinar. The UNFSS played a leading role in addressing the challenges related to SDG achievement. The discourse around “food systems” was elevated through increased commitment from governments and other actors. National pathways were developed to strengthen food systems and build back betterSeguir leyendo

Honouring and supporting the inspiring place-based transformative projects done by local public authorities.   Through this competitive call, we seek to incubate inspiring place-based transformative projects, that foster the three complementary values of the New European Bauhaus in daily lives, living spaces and experiences: Sustainability – foster climate goals, circularity,Seguir leyendo

Convocatoria para el financiamiento de ecosistemas científicos orientados por misiones en alianza que fortalezcan las capacidades nacionales para la atención y manejo de la salud mental y convivencia social en Colombia.Seguir leyendo

XIII Premios Corresponsables en España y Latinoamérica   Los galardones están abiertos a todo tipo de organizaciones privadas, públicas y sin ánimo de lucro, de todos los tamaños y de cualquier país, y distinguirán las mejores iniciativas y buenas prácticas en Responsabilidad Social y Sostenibilidad. También las mejores prácticas enSeguir leyendo

Objetivo: Fortalecer las interacciones entre los diferentes actores del SNCTI mediante el desarrollo de proyectos de investigación, que contribuyan a la solución de los principales problemas y necesidades de salud pública a nivel regional, a través de la generación de conocimiento e impactos, con relevancia científica, tecnológica, económica, social ySeguir leyendo

Call Reshaping Democracy, Horizon Europe. Projects should contribute to both of the following expected outcomes: Comprehensive evidence on the mid- to long-term impacts of current political and social developments on European representative democracies. Develop policy recommendations, toolkits, narratives and methodologies for enhancing trust in political institutions, and boosting transparency, representativeness,Seguir leyendo

Call Reshaping Democracy, Horizon Europe. Projects should contribute to all of the following expected outcomes: Comprehensive evidence base to explain the long-term impact of various inequalities (socio-economic, gender, disability, spatial, ethnic, etc.) on political participation, democratic quality and stability. Development, validation and piloting of strategies, policies and action plans forSeguir leyendo

Call Reshaping Democracy, Horizon Europe. Projects should contribute to at least two of the following expected outcomes: Protect fundamental rights and European values from possible threats stemming from unregulated use of artificial intelligence (AI) and big data applications. Explore the potential of AI and big data to reinforce fundamental rightsSeguir leyendo

Call Reshaping Democracy, Horizon Europe. Projects should contribute to the both of following expected outcomes: Support the European Union’s role in leading the transformation and defence of multilateralism by identifying and analysing policy avenues for a more robust, democratic and effective global governance. Develop policy recommendations, institutional frames, toolboxes, narrativesSeguir leyendo