Apply now to become a CCRI Pilot or Fellow We are now accepting applications to become a CCRI Pilot or Fellow! If you represent a competent authority of an EU territory (either a city, region, or territorial cluster), this is your chance to lead Europe’s circular economy transition.Seguir leyendo

MeetingPack is a conference held every two years by AIMPLAS and AINIA. The fifth conference, taking place on 20-21 April 2022 at the Valencia Conference Centre, will bring together packaging value chain stakeholders to discuss Barrier Packaging Solutions: A Challenge for the Circular Economy.Seguir leyendo

Connecta’t a aquest marketplace per conèixer les solucions disponibles ara mateix per fer front als principals reptes d’innovació que planteja la mobilitat sostenible. Hi trobaràs solucions en: Vehicle elèctric: bateries, motors, carregadors. Hidrogen. Circularitat dels materials: reciclatge de bateries, materials reciclats per a elements interns. Solucions de mobilitat urbana sostenible:Seguir leyendo

eWorks and the Esade Center for Social Impact are organizing the 0Waste Hackathon event and they are looking for participants with innovative spirit and interest in creating ideas that generate a positive impact on the environment through waste reduction. Through processes of guided co-creation, open innovation, design thinking and multidisciplinarySeguir leyendo