Convocatoria para el apoyo a proyectos de I+D+i que contribuyan a resolver los desafíos establecidos en la misión “Colombia hacia un nuevo modelo productivo, sostenible y competitivo” – área Estratégica Energía   Objetivo: Contribuir al cambio de la estructura productiva del país hacia industrias y servicios con contenido tecnológico altoSeguir leyendo

Carrying forward the UN Food Systems Summit (UNFSS) Webinar. The UNFSS played a leading role in addressing the challenges related to SDG achievement. The discourse around “food systems” was elevated through increased commitment from governments and other actors. National pathways were developed to strengthen food systems and build back betterSeguir leyendo

Honouring and supporting the inspiring place-based transformative projects done by local public authorities.   Through this competitive call, we seek to incubate inspiring place-based transformative projects, that foster the three complementary values of the New European Bauhaus in daily lives, living spaces and experiences: Sustainability – foster climate goals, circularity,Seguir leyendo

XV WORLD FORESTRY CONGRESS Building a Green, Healthy and Resilient Future with Forests2–6 May 2022 Coex, Seoul, Republic of KoreaSeguir leyendo

El Programa Sostenibilidad tiene como objetivo principal mejorar la competitividad de la pyme española mediante el impulso de la sostenibilidad, así como reactivar la economía en base a la sostenibilidad, poniendo en valor sus repercusiones económicas, sociales y medioambientales, y a la Agenda 2030Seguir leyendo

The Ocean Conference, co-hosted by the Governments of Kenya and Portugal, comes at a critical time as the world is seeking to address many of the deep-rooted problems of our societies laid bare by the COVID-19 pandemic and which will require major structural transformations and common shared solutions that areSeguir leyendo

During COP27 we plan to create an “Island Space” where we will share key insights and developments related to remote, rural and island communities. Island Innovation wants to ensure that your communities are represented and that relevant information is made available to you. Given that 20% of UN member statesSeguir leyendo

El Premio Ecuatorial 2022 busca iniciativas de comunidades locales o grupos indígenas que aporten soluciones innovadoras para la crisis económica y social provocada por el cambio climático. La distinción es promovida por el PNUD y las candidaturas pueden presentarse hasta el 5 de abril. Este 13º ciclo del Premio EcuatorialSeguir leyendo