Año Europeo de la Juventud
2022 es el Año Europeo de la Juventud, que pone el foco sobre la importancia de la juventud europea para construir un futuro mejor: más ecológico, más inclusivo y digital.
2022 es el Año Europeo de la Juventud, que pone el foco sobre la importancia de la juventud europea para construir un futuro mejor: más ecológico, más inclusivo y digital.
Reto de innovación en Reino Unido.
El programa Connecting Europe Facility — CEF Digital de la Comisión Europea cuenta con un presupuesto de 258 millones de euros, destinados a mejorar las infraestructuras para la conectividad digital. La convocatoria está abierta a entidades legales, tanto públicas como privadas.
Reto de innovación para mejorar la seguridad de los ciclistas en la ciudad de Amsterdam.
Ayudas a la formación de emprendedores. Busca proveer de acceso a formación presencial especializada, diseñada para emprendedores que deseen adquirir nuevas capacidades y herramientas en materia de expansión internacional y así aumentar la masa crítica de emprendedores preparados para llevar sus compañías al exterior, llegar a nuevos mercados internacionales o
Call Reshaping Democracies, Horizon Europe. Projects should contribute to the both of following expected outcomes: Support the European Union’s role in leading the transformation and defence of multilateralism by identifying and analysing policy avenues for a more robust, democratic and effective global governance. Develop policy recommendations, institutional frames, toolboxes, narratives
Financiamiento y apoyo técnico para startups chilenas de base científico-tecnológica. Objetivo Promover el crecimiento y fortalecimiento de empresas de base científico-tecnológica (EBCT) en Chile y en etapa temprana, a través del cofinanciamiento y apoyo técnico en el proceso de desarrollo tecnológico e innovación, en la validación técnica y de negocios
Call Reshaping Democracies, Horizon Europe. Projects should contribute to both of the following expected outcomes: In-depth understanding of the major factors contributing to the present rise of extremist narratives and of their influence on mainstream worldviews, discourses and policies across European countries in their local and global context. Formulation of
Call Reshaping Democracies, Horizon Europe. Projects should contribute to all of the following expected outcomes: Build robust evidence base for redesigning curricula in support of democracy, with an emphasis on students’ active participation and engagement in this process. Toolkits for enhancing the humanistic and civic aspects of education with a
Call Reshaping Democracy, Horizon Europe. Projects should contribute to the both of following expected outcomes: Support the European Union’s role in leading the transformation and defence of multilateralism by identifying and analysing policy avenues for a more robust, democratic and effective global governance. Develop policy recommendations, institutional frames, toolboxes, narratives
Call Reshaping Democracy, Horizon Europe. Projects should contribute to all of the following expected outcomes: Demonstrate how citizens and policymakers can contribute to a healthy and reinvigorated democracy through media. Improved quality, accountability and transparency of media production and distribution processes, and contribution to a more resilient democratic institutional framework.
Call Reshaping Democracy, Horizon Europe. Projects should contribute to at least two of the following expected outcomes: Protect fundamental rights and European values from possible threats stemming from unregulated use of artificial intelligence (AI) and big data applications. Explore the potential of AI and big data to reinforce fundamental rights
Call Reshaping Democracy, Horizon Europe. Projects should contribute to all of the following expected outcomes: Comprehensive evidence base to explain the long-term impact of various inequalities (socio-economic, gender, disability, spatial, ethnic, etc.) on political participation, democratic quality and stability. Development, validation and piloting of strategies, policies and action plans for
Call Reshaping Democracies, Horizon Europe. Projects should contribute to all of the following expected outcomes: Understand the changes wrought on democratic processes by new technologies. Produce evidence-based recommendations to address the opportunities and challenges for political behaviour and democratic engagement presented by social platforms and new media. Enhance capacities for
Call Reshaping Democracy, Horizon Europe. Projects should contribute to both of the following expected outcomes: Enhance and expand the implementation of civic participation as well as co-creation in democratic life at scale, including the least engaged communities and categories of the population, at all levels from local to European. Improve
Call Reshaping Democracy, Horizon Europe. Projects should contribute to both of the following expected outcomes: Comprehensive evidence on the mid- to long-term impacts of current political and social developments on European representative democracies. Develop policy recommendations, toolkits, narratives and methodologies for enhancing trust in political institutions, and boosting transparency, representativeness,
Taller regional virtual: Medición de indicadores ODS y de seguimiento de la Agenda de Desarrollo 2030 a través del procesamiento de datos censales con REDATAM y mapeo con QGis. 10 al 17 de mayo de 2022. Este taller se llevará a cabo durante 6 días en módulos de 3 horas diarias
Las becas Santander Women | Emerging Leaders 2022 - LSE permitirán a 125 mujeres profesionales acceder a un programa en línea de 7 semanas sobre habilidades de negociación y liderazgo. The Becas Santander Women | Emerging Leaders 2022 - LSE is an intensive online programme designed to enhance your negotiation
Programa de apoyo a proyectos emprendedores de estudiantes de la Universitat de Barcelona.
Programa de formación.
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