Bootcamp GovTech
OnlineSe abre la convocatoria para el primer bootcamp GovTech para startups de Latinoamérica.
Se abre la convocatoria para el primer bootcamp GovTech para startups de Latinoamérica.
Join 1.000+ attendees in a three-day event and don’t miss the opportunity to meet with the startups, investors, corporates and developers that are changing the world.
The Ocean Conference, co-hosted by the Governments of Kenya and Portugal, comes at a critical time as the world is seeking to address many of the deep-rooted problems of our societies laid bare by the COVID-19 pandemic and which will require major structural transformations and common shared solutions that are
La edición No. 21 de la Semana de la Sostenibilidad de BID Invest “From Thinkers to Doers” se enfocará en negocios tangibles y oportunidades de crecimiento para el sector privado, ofreciendo una plataforma para que líderes globales y regionales compartan soluciones, mejores prácticas y herramientas que fomenten el impacto sostenible
The theme for the HLPF 2022 will be “Building back better from the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) while advancing the full implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”.
XI Congreso Latinoamericano de Ciencia Política.
El 15 de septiembre es el plazo máximo para optar a las ayudas del programa del Gobierno de España para la digitalización de PYMEs.
EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK is the European Commission’s flagship awareness-raising campaign on sustainable urban mobility. It encourages behavioural change in favour of active mobility, public transport and other clean, intelligent transport solutions. With more towns and cities joining each year, the campaign continues to drive Europe, and beyond, toward sustainable urban mobility. Explore
The city as a Living Lab, but now for real: re-working open innovation environments for inclusive, green and digital transition through emerging technologies La edición 2022 del encuentro Open Living Lab Days, organizado por la red ENoLL, tendrá lugar en Turín del 20 al 23 de septiembre.
The Virtual Island Summit is a free online event designed to connect global islands and share their common experiences. Join islanders from around the world and share ideas, best practices and solutions.
European Sustainable Energy Week Whether you want to take an active role in shaping policy discussions, shine a light on a project you are working on, celebrate work in renewable energy at the Awards, or form new connections within the sustainable energy community, EUSEW 2022 has something for you.
MIT Technology Review’s flagship conference ‘EmTech Europe’ will be hosted 28th-29th September 2022, bringing together Europe’s brightest and best technology leaders, researchers, and innovators for inspiration, insight, and connection.
European Research and Innovation Days is the European Commission’s annual flagship Research and Innovation event, bringing together policymakers, researchers, entrepreneurs and the public to debate and shape the future of research and innovation in Europe and beyond. #RiDaysEU
A global high impact platform that fosters connections between startups, corporates and investors.
AI & Big Data Congress és el congrés de referència sobre Intel·ligència Artificial y Big Data en el sector empresarial. El punt de trobada entre professionals, proveïdors i empreses que vulguin desenvolupar o estiguin realitzant projectes en l’àmbit AI & Data Analytics.
El II Congreso de Datos Abiertos y Metadatos, Edición Datos Abiertos en la Ciencia – Ecuador, promovido por la Fundación Datalat y la Red Ecuatoriana de Datos Abiertos y Metadatos (REDAM) tiene por objetivo fomentar un espacio de diálogo entre el Gobierno, las universidades, la sociedad civil y las empresas
A virtualização do novo ecossistema midiático Submissões de 01 de março de 2022 até 25 de julho de 2022.
During COP27 we plan to create an “Island Space” where we will share key insights and developments related to remote, rural and island communities. Island Innovation wants to ensure that your communities are represented and that relevant information is made available to you. Given that 20% of UN member states
Biannual International Conference of Photography and Theory (ICPT).
2022 es el Año Europeo de la Juventud, que pone el foco sobre la importancia de la juventud europea para construir un futuro mejor: más ecológico, más inclusivo y digital.
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