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NGI Assure: 8th Open call

Apoyo a proyectos para una internet más segura. NGI Assure is looking for building blocks that contribute to providing such assurances include (but are not limited to) quantum-proof cryptography, public key infrastructure, (augmented) authenticated key exchange, ratchet mechanisms (such as the Noise protocol) that securely chain key material, distributed hash

Candidaturas para financiamiento base a laboratorios colaborativos de Portugal


La Agência Nacional de Inovação  de Portugal invita a los laboratorios colaborativos, CoLab, reconocidos por la Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia a presentar candidaturas para el programa de financiamiento. Foi lançado, através do Aviso 01/C05-I02/2022, um convite à manifestação de interesse, dirigido aos 35 Laboratórios Colaborativos (CoLAB) reconhecidos

Call STAND Up!

EU Neighbours ->STAND Up! launches a call for applications for textile and fashion entrepreneurs to develop their financial literacy skills Más información: Web Gencat -> Web SCP/RAC -> Departament d’Acció Exterior i Govern Obert -> EU Neighbours ->

ETU Initiative Conference


How can the ETU support your energy transition? The conference will bring together renewable energy experts and representatives from the ETU Initiative’s Flagship Case municipalities, to explore topics such as the potential of renewable energy communities to reduce energy poverty, methods for financing the green energy transition, how to develop

EU Organic Awards

The EU organic awards scheme comprises 7 categories and 8 awards. They acknowledge different actors along the organic value chain, that developed an excellent, innovative, sustainable and inspiring project producing real added value for organic production and consumption. The links to the online application forms are available from 25 March

The NextGov Hackathon

The European Commission’s Open Source Programme Office is organising a hackathon to enhance Nextcloud with additional features so that more public administrations can include such solutions as part of their digitalisation journey.

European Diversity Month

The month of May marks European Diversity Month across the EU. We’re calling on companies and organisations across Europe to join forces with us, the European Commission, to shine a spotlight on the importance of diversity and inclusion in the workplace and in society by organising events and activities throughout


A través de esta convocatoria, que cuenta con fondos del Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia de la Unión Europea, se financian proyectos empresariales de pequeñas empresas innovadoras o empresas de base tecnológica que requieran el uso de tecnologías o conocimientos desarrollados a partir de la actividad investigadora y en

European Blockchain Convention 2022

Join 1.000+ attendees in a three-day event and don’t miss the opportunity to meet with the startups, investors, corporates and developers that are changing the world.



European Sustainable Energy Week: Going green and digital for Europe's energy transition.

European Research & Innovation Days


European Research and Innovation Days is the European Commission’s annual flagship Research and Innovation event, bringing together policymakers, researchers, entrepreneurs and the public to debate and shape the future of research and innovation in Europe and beyond. #RiDaysEU

2022 Año Europeo de la Juventud

2022 es el Año Europeo de la Juventud, que pone el foco sobre la importancia de la juventud europea para construir un futuro mejor: más ecológico, más inclusivo y digital.

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