Submissões Congresso Media Ecology
5º Congresso Internacional Media Ecology and Image Studies: A virtualização do novo ecossistema midiático
5º Congresso Internacional Media Ecology and Image Studies: A virtualização do novo ecossistema midiático
Els Premis DonaTIC, organitzats pel Departament de la Vicepresidència i de Polítiques Digitals i Territori, tenen un doble objectiu, reconèixer i visibilitzar el paper fonamental de les dones en el món professional, empresarial i acadèmic de les noves tecnologies i oferir referents a les nenes i adolescents que dubten si
Applications are invited to the USF’s International Fellowships for urban scholars from the Global South. Each award will cover the cost of a sabbatical period at a university of the candidate’s choice, worldwide, for the purpose of writing-up the candidate’s existing research findings in the form of publishable articles and/or
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