Submissões Congresso Media Ecology
5º Congresso Internacional Media Ecology and Image Studies: A virtualização do novo ecossistema midiático
5º Congresso Internacional Media Ecology and Image Studies: A virtualização do novo ecossistema midiático
Call Reshaping Democracy, Horizon Europe. Projects should contribute to all of the following expected outcomes: Demonstrate how citizens and policymakers can contribute to a healthy and reinvigorated democracy through media. Improved quality, accountability and transparency of media production and distribution processes, and contribution to a more resilient democratic institutional framework.
Call Reshaping Democracies, Horizon Europe. Projects should contribute to all of the following expected outcomes: Understand the changes wrought on democratic processes by new technologies. Produce evidence-based recommendations to address the opportunities and challenges for political behaviour and democratic engagement presented by social platforms and new media. Enhance capacities for
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