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Architectural Design Competition

The Switch2Save Architectural Design Competition aims to collect design concepts of non- residential buildings (new or renovation projects), featuring glass facades, roofs, or large window to wall areas, in any climatic context. The challenge is to present a design concept in which there is an optimum exploitation of the Switch2Save

Inscripciones a CREAD 2020


Curso Regional de Especialización en Análisis Demográfico para el Desarrollo Sostenible (6 de junio a 1 de diciembre). El curso responde a la creciente demanda de profesionales capacitados en temas de población, tanto del sector gubernamental como de las universidades y organizaciones no gubernamentales de la región.  

Premios Retina Eco

A los proyectos de 2021 más innovadores en sostenibilidad PRISA Media, en colaboración con Capgemini, ha convocado la segunda edición de los Premios Retina ECO 2022, cuyo objetivo es premiar los mejores proyectos del año 2021 en el ámbito de la lucha contra el cambio climático, la sostenibilidad y la

EU Organic Awards

The EU organic awards scheme comprises 7 categories and 8 awards. They acknowledge different actors along the organic value chain, that developed an excellent, innovative, sustainable and inspiring project producing real added value for organic production and consumption. The links to the online application forms are available from 25 March

WFC 2021

XV WORLD FORESTRY CONGRESS Building a Green, Healthy and Resilient Future with Forests2–6 May 2022 Coex, Seoul, Republic of Korea

En marcha

EIC Transition Challenge

Process and system integration of clean energy technologies This EIC Transition Challenge aims at maturing the proposed energy technology through its integration in a fully functioning energy system and the emerging of the ecosystem actors and value chain needed for the market uptake of the technology.

Green digital devices for the future

EIC Transition Challenge: Green digital devices for the future Proposals submitted to this EIC Transition Challenge should focus on demonstrating novel digital devices and/or architectures that have a clear and quantifiable advantage with respect to one or several of the key issues mentioned above compared with existing alternatives for a

Destination of Sustainable Cultural Tourism Awards

The theme of this year’s edition of Destination of Sustainable Cultural Tourism Awards is ‘Relaunching European Tourism through Cultural Heritage & Digitalisation’.

Programa Sostenibilidad 2022 Tortosa

El Programa Sostenibilidad tiene como objetivo principal mejorar la competitividad de la pyme española mediante el impulso de la sostenibilidad, así como reactivar la economía en base a la sostenibilidad, poniendo en valor sus repercusiones económicas, sociales y medioambientales, y a la Agenda 2030

Support to New European Bauhaus Local Initiatives

Honouring and supporting the inspiring place-based transformative projects done by local public authorities.   Through this competitive call, we seek to incubate inspiring place-based transformative projects, that foster the three complementary values of the New European Bauhaus in daily lives, living spaces and experiences: Sustainability – foster climate goals, circularity,

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